Category Archives: KC FANCON Conventions
Everything that’s happening with upcoming shows and our philosophy regarding shows in general.
We have some really cool and different plans for the upcoming Topeka Freecon. In addition to a dealer room full of comic books, toys, and possibly a few other cool things, there will be a creator space with ten comic creators. Also, a video gaming room, board gaming room, and a panel room where the […]
All exhibitor space for the show is spoken for. The room is set! We are super-excited to bring the Kansas City area this brand new kind of show. In all honesty, we didn’t get as much variety as I’d hoped, but I have seen some of the things that will be at the show, and […]
What is a Pop Culture Riot? Is it a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd? Nope. We googled the word “riot” and our search result had two definitions. Definition #2 is this: “an impressively large or varied display of something.” And that “something” in this case is memorabilia that relates to popular culture. […]
I was notified that my application forms were not working, and wanted all end users to know that the problem is now fixed. If you tried to apply for space over the last week, and got an error, or no email response from us at KC FANCON, we ask that you re-apply for your table […]
Exhibitor space for both of our Fall of ’21 shows are on sale. We have the lowest table rates, and the largest booths. Space for both the POP CULTURE RIOT and the TOPEKA FREECON are now available. CLICK HERE
We are super-excited to be working with the Topeka Youth Project on the first-ever KC FANCON comic book show of Topeka! See details here:
We want to thank all of the fans who made it out to Lawrence for the 53rd FANCON show on Sept 11. It was another terrific show from our standpoint. We are beginning to gear up for our next adventure, which is tentatively called the POP-CULTURE RIOT, and which will occur on the 30th of […]